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Durleigh Parish Council is a statutory consultee on all Planning Applications submitted to the local planning authorities. Somerset Council has responsibility for local planning, highway issues, school and hospital developments.

The Parish Council is invited to comment on all applications for development within the parish. However the outcome is decided by the responsible planning authority.

Applications received are added to the agenda for each bi-monthly Parish Council meeting. The applicant and members of the public will then have an opportunity to attend and comment but not to lobby members. (Extra-ordinary meetings may be arranged, or an extension requested if the deadline for return of comments cannot be met.)

Digital copies of Planning Applications, information on the process and the means to comment with other guidance can be accessed on Somerset Council Planning Portal.

Current and recent applications

Current and recent planning applications submitted for development works within the parish will be listed below, along with a brief description. By clicking on the location it will link you to further information on the Sedgemoor Planning Portal.



  • Queenswood Farm, Broadlands Lane – Erection of a Single Storey Dwelling. Granted Permission
  • 7 Skimmerton Lane – Reduce upper crown of Common Oak (T1) (TPO Ref G1) by 6m to live sound wood. Granted Permission
  • Queensland Farm, Broadlands Lane – Outline application with some matters reserved, for the erection of 2no. dwellings and access arrangements. Withdrawn
  • Land opposite Wessex Water – Retention of temporary vehicular access created for the use in relation to the temporary compound under application 23/18/00013. Granted Permission
  • Land south of Quantock Road – Hybrid (full and outline) application. Full application for the erection of 114 dwellings, formation of signal controlled access off Quantock Road with associated infrastructure, landscaping and open space (phase 1). Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of up to 240 residential dwellings with associated infrastructure, landscaping and open space (phase 2).
  • Wessex Water Land – Formation of new wetland and woodland features to provide improved habitats, and reduce the load of coarse sediment by trapping and storing sediments upstream. Granted Permission
  • 23 Luxborough Road – Repollard stems on northern side of Caucasian Wingnut (T1) (TPO Ref G1). Crown lift Copper Beech (T2) (TPO Ref G1) on northern side over garden to 4m above ground level and reduce crown on northern side by 1-1.5m back to previous pruning points. Granted Permission
  • Durleigh Water Treatment Works – Variations of Condition 6 of Planning Permission 23/18/00013 (Demolition of existing buildings and the redevelopment of the site including the erection of a new main treatment building including process hall/welfare area, low lift pumping area, GRP monitoring room kiosk and GRP disinfection static mixer kiosk. Removal of 17.5m of existing hedgerow along Enmore Road and construction of temporary pedestrian footbridge to gain access to temporary construction compound to the East of Enmore Road to facilitate works to be undertaken under Permitted Development Rights. Installation of nesting bank to northern side of Durleigh Reservoir.) to replace the existing Landscape Plan (Rev A). Granted Permission
  • 128 Holford Road – Conversion of loft to form additional living accommodation, including the erection of two storey front (NE) and single storey rear (SW) extensions. Granted Permission
  • Land At Former, Queenswood Reservoir, Luxborough Road – Application for Non-Material Amendment to Planning Permission 23/18/00017 (Variation of Conditions 2 (approved plans) and 7 (access, parking and turning areas) of planning permission 23/16/00006 (Demolition of existing reservoir building, erection of 10 dwellings and formation of access, alterations to the boundary and parking arrangements for 1 Mayfield Drive) to amend the approved plans to allow for minor alterations to the internal layouts and footprints of the buildings.) to allow for the relocation of the boundary line fence to the eastern boundary of plots 7, 8 & 9. Change in fencing material to plots 3, 7 & 8. Granted Permission


  • 8 Spaxton Road – Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 23/21/00007 (Erection of single storey front (South) extension with a balcony.) to allow for alterations to the front (South) balcony. Granted Permission
  • Rexworthy Farm, Spaxton Road – Change of use of livery yard (sui generis) to storage use (use class B8), including alterations to North West and South East elevations. Granted Permission
  • 145 Holford Road – Erection of two storey side (NW) extension on site of existing (to be demolished) (Revised Scheme). Granted Permission
  • 1 Andersfield Close – Erection of single storey extension to the North elevation on site of existing garage (to be demolished). Granted Permission


  • 33 Pyrland Walk – Erection of single storey rear (NE) extension, partially on site of existing conservatory (to be demolished).
  • 145 Holford Road – Erection of two storey side (NW) extension on site of existing (to be demolished) Approved
  • 131 Holford Road – Erection of a single storey extension to the side (SE) elevation on site of existing garage to be demolished. Approved
  • Floodgates Farm, Rhode Lane – Erection of 5no. dwellings with parking and gardens on site of existing agricultural buildings to be demolished. Approved
  • 20 Pyrland Walk, Durleigh – Erection of a single storey extension to sides (East & West) elevations on site of existing garage to be demolished, increase in size of existing dormer wc to form first floor bathroom. Approved
  • Rexworthy Farm, Spaxton Road, Change of use of Sui Generis agricultural building to B8 storage as part of existing self-storage facility with external alterations. Approved
  • 8 Spaxton Road, Durleigh, Erection of single storey front (South) extension including balcony. Approved
  • 12 Pyrland Walk, Durleigh, Erection of single storey side and rear extension on site of existing extension, detached garage, shed, greenhouse and summerhouse (to be demolished). Also with the extension of existing driveway. Approved
  • Land To The South Of, Durleigh Hill, Variations of Condition 11 of Planning Permission 23/18/00011 (Variation of Condition 8 of Planning Permission 23/12/00012 (Variation of condition 8 of Planning Permission 23/12/00005 to read “The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in full accordance with the approved FRA (prepared by SKM Enviros and dated 10 August 2012 Version 2) and the following specific measures: Figure 5-2 Swale Layout Plan; Figure 5-1 Swale Cross Section; and Section 5 Drainage Assessment. The above measures shall be constructed on site before the development is completed) to update the approved Flood Risk Assessment by omitting the requirement for swales.) to increase the Solar Farm’s operational period from 25 to 40 years. Approved
  • Roughmoor Farm, Hayne Lane, Durleigh, Conversion of existing agricultural farmstead buildings to 3no. holiday units. Approved
  • Queenswood Farm, Broadlands Lane, Erection of a summerhouse for use as an office for business purposes (retrospective application). Approved


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